Life Development and Resiliency of Families in Bicol (Life DevRef) is a five-year life stage intervention of FACE, Inc. in the areas we work with through these projects;


(Ensuring Nutrition, Health, and Children’s Early Stimulation and Learning)

ENHANCE Project is an innovative and collaborative approach that emphasizes the shared nurturing care tasks undertaken by both male and female caregivers. It operates within the framework of the First 1000 Days (F1KD) Manual of Operation, which focuses on optimizing children’s holistic growth and development. It aims to enhance alternative early learning opportunities and experiences for children. By facilitating access to Early Childhood Development (ECD) modalities, particularly in home-based settings, the project aims to create meaningful early learning experiences.

The ENHANCE Project aligns with government-mandated programs led by various bodies, including Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Provincial/Municipal/City Nutrition Action Offices and Other Locally Mandated Bodies. The project synergizes with these offices to ensure coordinated and collaborative efforts in promoting children’s health, nurturing care, nutrition, protection and well-being. This strategy leverages existing structures and partnerships to maximize its impact.


(Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health)

The ASRH Project aims to empower and equip adolescents with essential knowledge, support, and access to Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) services. To promote informed choices and create a healthier future for our youth. The ASRH Project goes beyond information dissemination. It utilizes innovative approaches using different platforms for ASRH advocacies. It actively engages youths through thematic development activities designed to reach adolescents both within schools and in the broader community. They focus on building life skills, promoting healthy behaviors, and nurturing responsible decision-making.

ASRH Project actively engages with both government agencies and private institutions. By fostering partnerships and collaborative actions, it ensures a coordinated effort in promoting adolescent, sexual and reproductive health among adolescents. It also prioritizes the establishment of an Information Service Delivery Network (ISDN) to provide accurate, timely, reliable and high quality sexual and reproductive health information and related services. This project also recognizes the need for safe spaces by establishing Community and School-based Teen Centers that will serve as havens where adolescents can access information, counselling and peer and mental health support.


(Children and Youth Disaster Risk Reduction and Management)

CYDRRM Project is an initiative that embodies a holistic approach to community engagement, policy development and enactment, and technology-driven solutions. Community engagement focuses on enhancing and capacitating family and community resilience and preparedness in the face of climate change and disaster risks involving children, pregnant and lactating women, and persons with disabilities. Eco-Scouts The project aims to enhance community policy development related to disaster risks reduction and climate change adaptation (DRR-CCA), child protection in emergencies (CPiE) and other related policies in both normal and emergency situations for inclusive and participatory policies that are crucial for effective disaster management.

The project integrates technology-driven solutions through Project RAMDAM or Resource Allocation Management, Distribution and Monitoring in partnership with Geographic Innovations for Development Solutions, (GRIDs.) Inc. The program aims to provide support for communities and local government units (LGUs) to enhance and hasten data collection, improve early warning systems, reliable and fast communication networks, systematized reporting systems and enhanced emergency response capabilities during disaster and emergency situations.